
International Primary Years Programme - IPYP

International Primary Years Programme - IPYP

The International Primary programme (IPYP) at KiiTis for students age 5-11 years. It focuses on the holistic development of the learner, addressing the 21st century Cognitive, Social, Physical, Emotional and Cultural needs. This programme synthesises the best educational practices from around the world to align with the modern learner traits. We provide an environment and curriculum where children explore and realise their true potential.

  • Strive to create a safe, caring and nurturing environment conducive to meaningful learning.
  • To keep the learner at the centre of all activities related to learning.
  • To be mindful about social and emotional wellbeing of the learner.
  • To provide learning experiences which have real life connection making the learning process engaging, relevant and current.
  • To encourage and guide curiosity towards focussed learning outcomes.
  • To move away from traditional discipline specific learning alone to see interconnectedness and the big picture ideas.
  • To encourage action by taking learning outside classrooms and to the community.
  • To help learners develop an international perspective to become aware of and sensitive to the points of view of people in other parts of the world.
  • To develop independent self-regulated learners by emphasising on how to learn rather than just what to learn.


The curriculum framework strives to maintain a balance between search for knowledge and concepts, acquisition of skills, developing a positive attitude and create opportunities to take the learning outside the classroom for positive action and reflection.

The subject areas taught are

  • Language (English and Second Language).
  • The Second Language options are Hindi, French or Spanish.
  • Literacy (Information and Digital), Numeracy, Science and Social studies.
  • The students are also taught skills in Arts (Visual and Performing), Global perspectives and Personal, Social and Physical education.
  • Through PSPE lessons and assemblies we emphasise the importance of life skills such as: respect, honesty, kindness and independence.

Other Activities

Students learn Creya, Coding, Dance, Instrumental and Swimming. Students also celebrate and jointly plan and organise international and national days with their teachers. After-school activities are also offered for students wishing to be trained in specific sports activities.

At KiiTIS some activities or celebrations are naturally integrated into the unit of inquiry.

While we highlight foundational skills in Numeracy and Language and teach it as stand alones the rest of the subjects especially Science and Social Studies are taught through transdisciplinary themes.

Why the IPYP for International Learners?

The curriculum is articulated vertically and is grade level appropriate and consistent with international standards. It offers a seamless transition from primary programme to Cambridge Lower Secondary programme in Grade 6 / Key stage 3.


“Igniting and guiding curiosity towards intentional and desired learning outcomes“

KiitIS teachers are well trained concerned facilitators who are collaborative, enthusiastic, dynamic and strong supporters of Inquiry based learning.

Key features

  • Inquiry based conceptual approach to learning
  • Emphasis is given on skill progress rather than just score enhancements.
  • Collaborative teaching and learning environments
  • Transdisciplinary approach to offer an opportunity to look beyond, across and between disciplines.
  • To give equal importance to the learning process and the outcome.
  • To create a classroom environment dynamic and conducive to questioning, exploring, investigating, communicating and reflecting.


At Kiitis there are two types of assessments formative and summative. Formative assessments are continuous and ongoing. It gives information for learning and helps track progress of the learner.

Summative assessments provide in formation of the learning.

Learners will have summative assessments at the end of each transdisciplinary inquiry unit along with the core subjects. The assessments may be rubric based and will be shared with the learner before the assessments. The students will have 5 to 6 Summative assessments in a year.

A variety of assessment tools and strategies are used. The assessments tools used could be

  • Observation based -videos, photographs etc
  • Performance based – presentations, models, application based
  • Process focussed- reflection activity, portfolios, , journals, models, peer assessments
  • Selected responses – Guided questioning, multiple choice etc

Reporting occurs through Parent teacher conference, Student led conferences Term report cards anecdotal reports and Student Portfolios

Key features

Reporting time 8 am

8.20am – 3.20pm

Juice break – 9:45 – 10am

Lunch 12 to 12: 40 pm

Duration of each period – 40 mins

First term ends – 28th September 2022

Final term ends 15th March 2022


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